Hit Run
Product Description
Hit Run is a herbicide containing 10% w/w active ingredient Pyrithiobac-sodium with other relevant ingredients. It is used for the control of a large number of weeds in Cotton crop.
Direction Of Use: Take the measured quantity of Hit Run add it to small quantity of water, mix thoroughly and then add the remaining quantity of water while stirring vigorously. Do not spray facing the wind. It may be applied as a pre emergence herbicide 3-5 days after sowing for the control of weeds in cotton. As for any other herbicide, adequate soil moisture and spraying of herbicide solution under cool conditions is essential for best results. Do not apply under hot weather and moisture stress conditions. Extent and duration of weed control depends on soil and moisture conditions.
Time of Application: Pre- emergence: 3-5 days after sowing (In assumed moisture conditions) Equipment used in application:- Knapsack sprayer, Knapsack power sprayer, motorized Knapsack sprayer cum duster, compression Knapsack sprayer, compression knapsack battery sprayer and HTP power sprayer fitted with proper nozzles (flat-fan) which ensure uniform coverage of coverage area with spray solution.
Precautions: Avoid inhalation and contact with eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Use protective clothing like glove, apron, mask while handling. Do not eat, drink, chew or smoke during application. Wash contaminated skin and clothes after use. Do not use empty containers for any other purpose. Destroy empty containers after use.