Glu Power
Product Description
Glu Power (solution liquid) is a non selective, post-emergence herbicide recommended for control of annual and perennial weeds infesting tea gardens and Echinochloa sp. Cynodon dactylon Cyperus rotundus Digitaria marginata Dactylocteneum aegyptium in cotton. It contains 15% weigtht/volume Glufosinate ammonium (a.i) which is equal to 13.5% on weight/weight basis.
Direction Of Use: Plant Protection Equipment: Spraying with Knpsack sprayer with a flat fan or flood jet nozzel fitted with a spray shield. Preparation of Spray solution: Take the recommended quantity of Glufosinate Ammonium and add it to a bucket of water. Stir vigourously using a stick or rod. Add the remaining required quantity of water, stir well to form final spray solution.
Mode of action/Symptoms of damage: Glutamine Systhetase is the enzyme which catalyses the
reaction of ammonia (NH3) and Glutamic acid to form Glutamine in plants. Glufosinate ammonium when applied on weed plants is absorbed by leaves and inhibits the enzyme activity. This leads to accumulation of ammonia (NH3) in the plant cell. Nh3 is strongly phytotoxic. The affected cells die and form necrotic spots, finally withering plants/weeds.
Time of Application: It is to be applied when weeds are at active vegetative growth stage/flowering stage with a spray shield to prevent drift on the tea plants.
Precautions: 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals feed. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation of the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4. Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat or chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying.